Author Topic: Could "new topic" message say which board?  (Read 11826 times)

Offline Phil Boswell

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Could "new topic" message say which board?
« on: November 16, 2006, 08:46:25 AM »
I've just got a "new topic" message for Warning! Anyone can peep at sites you visit! which turns out not to be there when I visit.

Now I'm assuming from the tone of the title that it's likely to have been nuked as spam, but it would be nice to know which board it had been posted in so I can go check whether I did something wrong.

Is this an existing option in the board software, that the notification message can state in which board a new topic has been created? Or would the software have to be changed?

(Oh, BTW, I noticed while looking at the support site for the software that there's a new version out already ;D and the next is just around the corner 8))
