I'm working on another urban fantasy story, and I'm creating a mildly magically gifted teen witch character who's of the "fluffy-bunny" Wiccan variety, ie. the sort who's read Silver Ravenwolf a few times too many, and now thinks they're the Goddess's gift of sweetness and light to the universe. The plot requires her to have a kind of evaluation by a veteran magical practitioner who's a bit of a polite religious skeptic. I'm trying to figure out a way for the polite skeptic to bring our girl back down to earth, in such a way that it doesn't look like I'm bashing Wicca, or that the skeptic isn't a mean guy, he's just trying to give her a more realistic view of magic (ie. that it can't fix everything, and it shouldn't be used when practical common garden things can be used with greater and more lasting effect), and that our girl really is a good kid who means well, but who still has a *lot* to learn. Any and all suggestions will be greatly and gratefully appreciated!