Blaze... The fact that you got those shadows to look so authentic with PS is really a stroke of genius. *is a PS fanatic too*
I recently had to shop the family christmas photos... Let's just say out of 15, not ONE had me, hubby AND baby smiling... So I took the very best pic... and pasted in some heads. heh. IT was easy because the shadows were the same in all the pics, but Hubby walked in and saw me 'perfecting' the image, to the point you couldn't see the edges, watched silently for a while, then said "Remind me never to piss you off."
*smirks wickedly* It's a good thing I've never aspired to make anything... embarrassing... with my skills.
MSD... Prizes don't matter. Next to nothing I shoot is something people would PAY for, but since I shot it, I can see the subtle details that make it beautiful to me. I love your pictures. I lke the swans too, but my favorite is of the skyline lit up. I love architectural photography... *ponders* That reminds me, I really need to post my architectural pics from MileHiCon... not only did I meet Jim there, but the hotel was really neat.
Oh, and Priscellie, I'm highly jealous of the traveling you do... And very impressd by your pictures. The landscapes are fantastic. *hasn't had a chance to look at them all yet*
Edit to add: Tink... You're hubby's a cutie. And he has brains too? Lucky you! *wink* Again, I love your orchids. especially the bright yellow one, I'm a sucker for really radiant flowers.